The PADI Rescue Diver course is one of the most rewarding courses in recreational diving. In this course, which many divers claim to be the best they have taken, you will learn self-rescue, emergency management, panicked diver response, in-water rescue breathing protocols, equipment malfunction and other dive incident scenarios, and more. A combination of theory, confined water skills training, and the final real-life scenario practice in open water will expand your scuba diving knowledge and help you increase safety for yourself and those diving with you. Most importantly, rescue training can help you save a life.
Be a dependable buddy and make a difference.
Be a dependable buddy and make a difference.

You must be at least 12 years old with PADI Advanced Open Water (or Junior Advanced Open Water) Diver or an equivalent certification as well as have Emergency First Response or equivalent training received in the last 2 years. You must also be medically fit as per the PADI Medical Form and those with an underlying medical condition must visit a doctor and get cleared for diving. As per the regulations in the Andamans, divers over 50 must get a medical clearance for scuba diving.

The PADI Rescue Diver certification will allow you to participate in the PADI Divemaster course or apply for the PADI Master Scuba Diver rating when combined with 5 PADI Speciality Diver ratings. The Divemaster course is the first professional level course within recreational diving.